And speaking of drop spindles, I finally found the one thing that I've been searching for. I found a small basket, tall enough for a drop spindle to fit in comfortably, and enough space to store some fiber for spinning on the go. And the best part, its perfect size to fit on my Faire belt!
Its great when you have a craft or hobby that helps you feel alive. Something that helps you get up out of bed in the morning, and look forward to. I've learned that we all have that passion that gets us going. Spinning, knitting, crocheting, as well as all of the other fibery things that I do help me to restore balance to my life. And I have met a whole host of friends through crafting that I never had before. Crafting has brought so much of my Chosen Family together, and I wouldn't trade that for the world.
The love and support that I recieved from so many of my Family (both biological and my Chosen Family) and friends over the past week has been overwhelming at times. I'm thankful that there are so many in my life that are there when I need help.
I sign off with this simple sentiment There is an old hymn called Blessed Be The Ties That Bind, and the third verse puts beautifully the love and friendship that got to feel this week:
We share each other’s woes,
Our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows
The sympathizing tear.
Maybe that's why I enjoy knitting and spinning so much? It helps me create the tie that binds me to those that I love?
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