The responses on the message board were ranging far and wide, and everything in between. I would like to explore this.
I like to think that it is a pleasant mix of all of the above. As I've said in previous posts, I'm going through my mounds of clothes that I never wear anymore, or are too small (I've grown a little bit robust in recent years). I've been washing them piling them up as I come across them; and donating them to someone that can use them. I am also trying to get rid of the pile of odds and ends that I've accumulated for no apparent reason, and question why I really have said random object?
Perhaps the biggest step I've taken in living a simpler life is not feeling the urge to be involved in everything that I used to. I'm now to a point where I can pick and choose what I need/want to be involved in. I don't think it's necessary for have to go to the clubs anymore. Gods only know how much money I spent doing that. I like to spend more time at home with my partner, spinning or knitting, or (UGH) housework. I find that I have less tolerance for crowds, or whiney people, or people that
But it's a process. And one that I'm looking forward to seeing out. I want to enjoy the moment, and live for the simple pleasures in life. Even if it means taking time to let the dogs out to sniff the air.